2 Bed Semi £14/ 4 weekly £18/ 6 Weekly £22/ 8 weekly £30/ 12 Weekly Conservatory + £6 Extension + £4 3 Bed Semi £15/ 4 weekly £19/ 6 Weekly £24/ 8 weekly £32/ 12 Weekly Conservatory + £6 Extension + £5 4 Bed Semi £19 / 4 weekly £23 / 6 Weekly £28/ 8weekly £38/ 12 Weekly Conservatory + £6 Extension + £5 3 Bed Detached £15 / 4 weekly £20/ 6 Weekly £24/8 weekly £32/ 12 Weekly Conservatory + £7 Extension + £6 4 Bed Detached £21 / 4 weekly £24/ 6 Weekly £30/8 weekly £42/ 12 Weekly Conservatory + £8 Extension + £7 5 Bed Detached £24 / 4 Weekly £30/ 6 Weekly £36/ 8 weekly £49/ 12 Weekly Conservatory + £10 Extension + £8 ALL THESE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATELY PLEASE FILL OUT THE CONTACT FORM FOR A QUOTE . Like / follow the Facebook page for upto date news and promotional discount offers https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100094309928534 /
PURE-FRESH WINDOW CLEANING • Regular Monthly and two monthly cleans undertaken. • Text / Email reminders sent the day before to let you know we are coming. • Honest & Reliable. • Fully Insured. • Sills, and Doors Cleaned as standard with every time. • We Clean all year, all weathers. (except weather warnings) • If your are not completely satisfied with our service, call us within 24 hours and we will come back and re-clean your windows for free!
🌤Pure Fresh Window cleaning service🌤 ⭐️Window cleaning ⭐️Conservatory cleaning ⭐️Fascia & Soffit Cleaning ⭐️Gutter Clearing & Cleaning ⭐️Cladding cleaning ⭐️Fully Insured ⭐️For An Instant Quote Please Contact me on 07763426638